
ひさしぶりにman smb.confすると、こんなの発見。

ldapsam:trusted (G)
              To make Samba  scale  well  in  large  environments,  the  ldap-
              sam:trusted=yes  option assumes that the complete user and group
              database that is relevant to Samba is stored in  LDAP  with  the
              standard  posixAccount/posixGroup model, and that the Samba aux-
              iliary object classes are stored together  with  the  the  posix
              data  in  the  same  LDAP  object. If these assumptions are met,
              ldapsam:trusted=yes can be activated and  Samba  can  completely
              bypass  the NSS system to query user information. Optimized LDAP
              queries can speed up domain logon  and  administration  tasks  a
              lot.  Depending on the size of the LDAP database a factor of 100
              or more for common queries is easily achieved.


調べたかったのは、passdb backendにldapなサーバを複数指定することができるかでした。

             passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// \
